Monday, November 30, 2009

Snack For Life...

If Tiger Woods really believed that the world didn't count him as Black...he knows the truth now.

Hello Scandal...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Food For Life..Food For Thought...

If Corporate America is like a baseball game, you're gonna wanna be the one with the bat.

Today, I was definitely getting balls hit at me...

I live my life at bat, and I'm already on deck for tomorrow...


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Little Known Facts

You might have heard of this one...but if not, here goes...

Mind Your P's and Q's

When somebody tells you to "Mind Your P's and Q's," they probably got it from one to two places. One place was the old schools printing presses, where the letters were opposite of what they would be on the page. The letters P and Q were easily and often confused, so to mind your P's and Q's meant to pay close attention to the minor details.

But for you folks that love the spirited beverages, such as myself, this one may be more interesting. Back in the day in the old English taverns, the bartender was completely responsible for watching how much his customers drank (had to cut folks off way back then, lol). By using a slate or a talley sheet behind the bar, the bartender would mark P for Pint and Q for Quarts so that he could monitor their intake, and also see how much money he was making. Having that, when patrons got out of hand, the bartender would yell "MIND YOUR P's and Q's" in order to restore peace to the establishment.

Help somebody learn something new every day!